Feng Shui Compass

I often get asked why every practitioner bring that Feng Shui compass when they go survey a site? 

Why not simply use our phone, it has a compass function also, right?

Despite all the technologies available, Feng Shui practitioners use a traditional magnetic compass. Because every property is subject to in influence of a giant magnet 🧲.- planet earth🌎. Every living being is under the influence of the earth's magnetic field from planet rotation and the electromagnetic field generated by rotation and earth's metallic core.

The Feng Shui Compass🧭

I will explain why a good reliable compass is important. I will also explain why cellphone can't replace the traditional compass. 

A compass is a tool we use to find out the bearings of the property we survey. It is the most basic and natural form to read the earth's North / South magnetic bearings. Once an accurate reading is made, we plot the property's different corners so we know which direction the main door is facing. From is data, we then able to plot each room's quadrantal section and direction. 

Can't we use a cell phone📵 to determine magnetic bearings?

For Feng shui purpose, the answer is no. We can't use a cellphone. I personally experimented using iPhones and Andriod apps with compass functions. And I get mixed results. My observations show mobile devices generated via electronic means. Because interference smartphones dose not use magnet is not part of the sensor component, instead, it uses ultra-low frequency signal from earth's directions using built-in accelerometer and calculates a direction.

However, traditional Feng Shui we need to fall back to the most basic compass. The reason is we need to know the site's raw magnetic bearings. Because this is the raw magnetic field the property is subject to. 



I'm No Scientist, But I Think Feng Shui Is Part of the Answer

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